Don't mind our anger.
... Cos this is nothing gravy.
Alright, everyone with eyes, would had seen out of Hongye's anger. Once again, don't mind our anger. i don't want people to start ranting cos of this. This is just to help clarify things.
One in the class could already experience the excitement for the class outing. I knew that as well, even though i m scratching my brains, trying to think up for what i m talking about. Everyone was very participative in the suggestive decision for the class outing. On the centre stage itself, things were tense. i would say that. Looking at Hongye's frustration, looking at the little chit chats everyone's been going on. me, personally, don't really mind about it. i was jus trying to help. I ain't in the ''Kang Le'' committee as well.
But the harsh fact is that, this outing has already started to hang by a thread. I m not putting the fault on anyone. But the situation there itself, has already caused an uproar of blasphemy. We are juicing out hard just to get the most out of the outing. If anyone of you were that, i m sure that you would feel violated by the actions that the class has been going on. With the class derogatory comments towards us, and Hongye's anger, this had already became a dead heat. I know, we had overreacted much to such a simple outing. But. With the Chinese saying, 祸不单行(Bad things always come in multiples.).What would happened if this goes on? The anticipated Class outing would be scrapped off, unjustly for people who hadn't been involved in this raging crapstorm, especially Miss Ho.
This is a very harsh fact. I knew that, everyone had been there. Knew that. You guys have the superiority over us. I just want to let all of you know. If not, we hadn't been asking you for your suggestions. Look, we can just be plainly ignorant of your suggestions, and just go ahead with our likings. We can play tough, and act as a blade made out of tamahagane steel. Don't like it? You may be ripped and burnt in hell then. We had been Mr. Nice Guys here, and we actually took everyone, although i can't promise a 100%, but at least a 90%, considerations into thoughts. If anyone of you dares to speak belligerently that this is an ez job, pleasing 5 people in unison is already a tough job.
We can't meet to every wants and needs of 30 people by the rate of 100%. But we will try our best. I, not only me, i think everyone, don't want this outing to end up as a nightmarish, nasty experience right? It had already been the end of the year. So i would like to take this opportunity to seek support from everyone. Everyone, for not only me n Hongye, but everyone who had tried their best to choreographed the whole outing.
If you are still unhappy bout it. I have only one thing to say for: Just bite the bullet ok?